Governing Body
The work of the Governing Body is carried out for one purpose only and that is to give the children the best possible start in their school life. The Governing Body is made up at present of governors representing parents, members of the community and staff team. The position of school governor is a voluntary one, but it demands a high level of commitment, not only in time but also responsibility as the decisions made directly affect the children.
With Foundation status, the Governing Body make all the decisions relating to the administration of the school. There are four main areas which we cover regularly; the curriculum, finances, premises and personnel. These areas and their duties are laid out in Government Legislation and are strictly adhered to.
The Governors work as a team and cover all aspects of school life at their termly Governing Body meeting. Other committees may meet at relevant points during the school year. The Chair of any committee meeting reports back to the Full Governing Body. Decisions are made democratically with all governors being given as much information as possible to aid them in the decision making process. This ensures lively, often lengthy, and more importantly, healthy discussions prior to decision making. The Governing Body meetings are for Governors only to attend. The school does openly welcome communication from parents at any time.
The Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together, they cannot act individually.
Governors are appointed to help:
- make sure national curriculum and its assessment procedures are carried out
- formulate all policy documents
- interview and select staff
- manage the school budget and plan for the future
- oversee the school premises
School Governors:
Acting Chair: Mrs R Allen - Parent Governor.
Term of office: 14.11.23-13.11.27
Acting Vice Chair: Mrs A Turner - Parent Governor, SEND Governor.
Term of office: 09.07.24-08.07.28
Mr C Bayliss - Partnership Governor, Safeguarding Governor.
Term of office: 23.01.24-22.01.28
Mr R Bennett - Partnership Governor, Health & Safety Governor.
Term of office: 18.04.23-17.04.27
Mr M Richards - Staff Governor.
Term of office: 09.07.24-08.07.28
Mrs V Sayce - Parent Governor.
Term of office: 14.11.23-13.11.27
Ms Laura Williams - Local Authority Governor.
Term of office: 16.07.24-15.07.28
Mrs S Thomson - Head Teacher.
Clerk to Governors: Mrs C Cleary.